Membership Benefits
All members registered by March 31st (players & social) are considered members in good standing and are entitled to full voting rights at all club general meetings and the Annual General Meeting. Members in good standing may nominate other members for board positions and serve on the club board.
All members receive a free club shirt, regardless of when they register.
All members are eligible to participate in the annual club Puc Fada tournament (free event)
Invitation to attend all home after-match parties, including Gillooly Cup games (free event)
All players receive the following:
Club shorts & socks
Intra-club jersey (Gillooly Cup/Courtney Cup)
Supplemental insurance (USGAA)
Indoor winter training sessions (free)
Team hotel accommodations for Midwest Finals, USGAA Finals, & special games that require travel
Guaranteed games through Midwest/USGAA leagues
Intra-club games (Gillooly Cup & Courtney Cup)